Fresno High c/o 1990 20 Year Reunion
Message Board
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Last Call for the cheap tickets.

OK Peeps!  You only have until July 2nd to purchase your tickets until the price goes up.  Don't forget to post some photos and stories so we can share them.  We will have a photo booth that night, plus a professional photographer!  Take a walk down memory lane with our time capsule.  Anyone remember what was put in there?  Don't miss this evening of fun!

Lisa Bowman
Photos, photos, and more photos

Hey classmastes.  Dig through those closets and scan some old photos.  We all have a few or more photos of our time at Fresno High, so post them here to dust out our long term memory bank. We all have the year book, but lets reminisce on memories we haven't seen before. 

Please use this message board to start some dialog on greatest memories from High School.

Also does anyone have any idea where the slideshow went that was played in the gym before graduation or our graduation slideshow?  That would be a great walk down memory lane!  I called the school, but they don't have a clue.

Mr. Summers can you help in any way?  Are you still at Fresno High? 

We also need to dig out our time capsule.   I can only imagine what is in that thing.

Lisa Aten